Conscious Evolution Boston
(203) 405-3276
- Embodying and Serving a Transcendent Purpose
- Co-Creating in Heart Resonance with Others
a Free, Peaceful, Healthy, Just, Collaborative, Regenerative World where we All Thrive in Harmony.
A Home of: Birth 2012 Boston

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Wheel of Co-creation "Leadership Hubs" are social/spiritual collaborative bodies
committed to evolving ourselves and co-creating humanity’s great shift to the age of
conscious evolution and emergent global culture of peace.

They are a place where we experience the “impulse of evolution” flowing through us, 
follow our "compass of joy", collaborate and co-create with others based on heart resonance, "vocational arousal" and mutual interests, identify what is working and emergent, and help evolve the Wheel of Co-creation, represented by "leadership hubs" and twelve "sector hubs", forming an innovative, evolutionary community, and a peaceful, sustainable, healthy, and prosperous world.  

The Leadership Hubs can decide to become a “frequency holder” for the Great Shift, represented by the “Core of the Wheel of Co-creation”, as well as oversee, promote, and facilitate sectors and sector hubs. 

The following identifies working evolutionary leadership hubs in the Greater Boston area, Massachusetts region, and nationally, which is ever-evolving. If you would like to join or start an evolutionary hub or know of other evolutionary hubs we could include below, please contact us. 

See Evolutionary Hub Guidelines for more information.

Conscious Evolution Boston
Mission: See Mission page.

Conscious Evolutionaries​ Chicagoland

Eco-Mind Group
Mission: Create a community based on new understandings of the political, personal-emotional, economic, environmental and spiritual aspects of life, spheres that constitute and form each other. 
Meets monthly on Sundays at 3 pm in West Newton. 
For information, go to Eco-Mind Group or contact Rick. 

Evolutionary Leaders
Purpose: Our purpose is to collectively inspire, support and serve conscious evolution. 
Mission: United by a shared commitment to strategically engage our collective field of potential, we serve our purpose by providing opportunities for synergistic engagement among evolutionary leaders who are forging a movement for the conscious evolution of humanity. 

Evolving Tampa Bay 

Hummingbird Community

Live Peace Into Being 

The Oneness Community 

The Shift Movement
Mission: To build a movement that helps all of the innovators, pioneers, change catalysts, healers, teachers, artists, leaders, and everyday love-spreaders to find each other and create a vast circle of empowerment that calls us into our highest potential and helps us serve the deepest needs of our day.

The Shift Network
Mission: ​Empowers a global movement of people who are creating an evolutionary shift of consciousness that in turn leads to a more enlightened society, one built on principles of peace, sustainability, health, and prosperity. 


Conceived by Barbara Marx Hubbard