Conscious Evolution Boston
(203) 405-3276
- Embodying and Serving a Transcendent Purpose
- Co-Creating in Heart Resonance with Others
a Free, Peaceful, Healthy, Just, Collaborative, Regenerative World where we All Thrive in Harmony.
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The Spiral and The Wheel of Co-creation

Conceived by Barbara Marx Hubbard

The Evolutionary Communion graphic tells the story of our evolution from the “Mind of God” – the field of infinite possibilities; from the origin of the Universe through the formation of Energy, Matter, Earth, Life, Animal Life, Human Life and now us going around our turn on the Spiral.

The Core of the Spiral represents Universal Intelligence, the Impulse of Evolution within us, that sense of Spirit arising in each of our hearts as our own impulse to create. We feel resonance with the global communion of pioneering souls as we discover the new “Planetary DNA” divining the design of evolution.

The Wheel of Co-creation describes our current turn on the Spiral. We identify Golden Innovations that work, joining with Global Co-creators and each other in every field and function that are symbolized by the various sectors of the Wheel. These are: Infrastructure, Justice, Media, Relations, Science, Spirituality, Arts, Economics, Education, Environment, Governance, and Health.

The same mysterious process that coordinates atom with atom and cell with cell is coordinating us within the Wheel. The Wheel of Co-creation is not static – each of us is turning the Wheel by everything we do.

We celebrate the “planetary birthing experience” as we come together as one planetary body embracing the next epoch of human evolution as a Universal Humanity.

Where do you see yourself on the spiral and how would you like to contribute to the evolutionary shift?

To learn more about the Spiral and Wheel of Co-Creation, go to:

To learn more about the work of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution and Barbara Marx Hubbard, visit her website at: