Conscious Evolution Boston
(203) 405-3276
- Embodying and Serving a Transcendent Purpose
- Co-Creating in Heart Resonance with Others
a Free, Peaceful, Healthy, Just, Collaborative, Regenerative World where we All Thrive in Harmony.
A Home of: Birth 2012 Boston

HomeMissionBackgroundAbout UsCalendarPeace RoomEvolutionary Hubs 
Articles/InspirationsResourcesDonationsBirth 2012 BostonContact Us

We invite all to share what you believe belongs in the Peace Room, particularly in (but not limited to) the Greater Boston area and Massachusetts and greater New England regions. 

We also invite you to:
- share your ideas on what is working
- share what your visions are to make the world a better place
- create collaborations
- form evolutionary hubs 

Please contact us


Alliance for Democracy

American Academy of Arts and Science

American Promise

Americans of Conscience


A Party of Concord

Bernie Sanders

Bridge Alliance

Center for Citizen Empowerment and Transformation

Co-Creator's Handbook - The Core Group Process 

Collaborative Governance Technologies

Common Cause

Common Good

Constituting America

Corporations Are Not People

Council on Foreign Relations


Democracy Awakening

Democracy Collaborative


Dennis Kucinich


Elizabeth Warren

Ellen Brown for Treasurer

Everyday Democracy

Free Speech for People

Free State Project

Global Leadership Foundation

Governance Alive

Governance Sector facebook page

Green Rainbow Party
Greater Boston Chapter Green Rainbow Party 

Hamilton Electors

Haudenosaunee of the Mohawk Nation


Hub Formation Introduction

Independent Voter Project


Institute for Policy Studies

Jill 2016

Just Abundance

Kennedy 2024 

Library of Congress
Library of Congress - Thomas Jefferson 

Marianne now
Marianne 2024
Marianne Williamson

Mark Charles 2020

Massachusetts Peace Action

Massachusetts Republic

Move to Amend

Movement for a People's Party

National Health Freedom Action

New Congress Action Center

New England Alliance for Democracy


Open Secrets

Our American Common Law 

Our Revolution

Participatory Politics Foundation

Pass Mass Amendment

People for a Democratic Revolution

People's Convention

People's Party

Progressive Change Campaign Committee

Progressive Massachusetts

Public Campaign

Quaker Decision-Making

Reclaim Democracy



Roosevelt Institute


Small Planet Institute



Terra Friedrichs

The American Anti-Corruption Act

The Center for Dynamic Community Governance

The Center for Popular Democracy

The Co-Creator's Handbook

The Common Good

The Earth Constitution

The Gateway Retreat

The Knowledge Movement

The Massachusetts Campaign for a U.S. Department of Peace​​

The Museum of Political Corruption

The Peace Alliance​

The People's Inauguration

The Rutherford Institute

The Sanders Institute

The Threefold Social Order, by Rudolf Steiner

The Values Caucus at the United Nations

The World Parliament

Together First

Toward a People's Constitution

Transparency Caucus

Ubuntu Liberation Movement

usa Republick

Vermont Nonpartisan League

Vistar Method

Wall of Us


PEACE ROOM - Governance Sector

The Intention of the Peace Room is to track, map, and connect what is working, evolutionary, and emergent in the world - within the hub and twelve sectors of the Wheel of Co-creation , namely Infrastructure/Design, Justice, Media, Relations, Science, Spirituality, Arts, Economics, Education, Environment, Governance, Health that could help evolve ourselves, our greater communities, the world at large, and the emergent global culture of peace.

Scroll down for an ever-developing list of what is working and emergent in the 
Governance Sector. Go to the Peace Room page for lists of what is working and emergent in the hub and all twelve sectors.

Conceived by Barbara Marx Hubbard

The Peace Room "could scan for, map, connect, and communicate social innovations - 
that which is emerging, that which is creative, sustainable, compassionate, 
that which opens a greater possibility for humanity in every field." - Barbara Marx Hubbard
Conceived by Barbara Marx Hubbard
"We stand at a critical moment in Earth's history, a time when humanity must choose its future. As the world becomes increasingly interdependent and fragile, the future at once holds great peril and great promise. To move forward we must recognize that in the midst of a magnificent diversity of cultures and life forms we are one human family and one Earth community with a common destiny. We must join together to bring forth a sustainable global society founded on respect for nature, universal human rights, economic justice, and a culture of peace." - THE EARTH CHARTER